Our Story

A humble start

Our story began on Nov. 12, 1950, when 17 charter members took a leap of faith and launched Rose Park Church in the basement of missionaries, lra and Gracie Marks.

Two years later, with the help of generous gifts, Rose Park Church bought a lot on the corner of 1175 West 600 North. Soon, a new church building was constructed and dedicated.

an old church building
a pastor preaches to a congregation

A rich heritage

For the next 70 years, the church served as a beacon of light in the Rose Park area and beyond. Shortly after as First Southern Baptist Church of Salt Lake, then later as Cornerstone Church.

Generations of faithful saints helped launch more churches in the Salt Lake Valley.

They also routinely offered their building as a place for diverse communities to worship. These included Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Russian-speaking congregations.

a large old church building

God on the move

Meanwhile, the Lord was working to preserve and grow his church in a new, unexpected way.

In 2011, the Lord led a group of pastors and their families to plant Gospel Grace Church in downtown Salt Lake City.

From the start, GGC’s vision was to grow a family of churches in the valley through church planting and revitalization.

people leading worship in church
a church sends members to a new church

A new beginning

In 2023, GGC and Cornerstone Church started discussing a partnership to continue serving the Rose Park area.

After several months of prayer and conversation, Cornerstone Church voted unanimously to revitalize under a new name, Gospel Light Church, and a new lead pastor, Luke Bylsma.

While our name has changed more than a few times, the mission never has. That is, to spread the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Salt Lake Valley.

men and women posing for a photo